I’m curious about upgrading my ECS Fortunate. Music "Chiron Beta Prime" by Jonathan Coulton Newspaper Comics Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. These haulers carry needed supplies and vast quantities of raw materials and finished materials anywhere and everywhere Void Corps needs them to go. Although precise troop complement is unknown, it is likely that they could serve as platforms for the landing craft, AirStraekers and heavy surface equipment which Chiss fleets deployed from orbit during the Swarm War, and they could also enter a planetary atmosphere themselves to operate alongside surface troops.Youtube. The launch complex of a Chiss Star Destroyer included capture bays to impound suspicious ships, and hangars supporting squadrons of fighters. The ships were outfitted with tractor beams projectors, ray shields, and particle shields, the last of which were capable of stopping a few kamikaze fighters but not an entire swarm on a suicide run.

Primary armament consisted of beam weapons, including both light and heavy mountings, and divided between conventional turbolasers and the distinctive Chiss energy/particle megamasers. Their precise capabilities are unknown, but the ships of the class were outfitted with Chiss versions of the range of equipment found aboard a typical Star Destroyer. Like most Star Destroyer designs, the Chiss capital ships were powerful, but were also vulnerable to a concerted starfighter assault. The most prominent feature was a large dome amidships, thought by observers to house cloaking equipment, but for the most part the planes of the armoured hull were as blank as an expanse of duracrete, interrupted only by recessed weapons mountings. One distinct difference from most Star Destroyers was that the type lacked any obvious command superstructure, apparently in an attempt to deny attackers easy and visible targets. The Chiss Star Destroyer somewhat resembled the 900m Victory-class Star Destroyer design, but its gray hull was slightly longer and slimmer, giving it an aggressive, needle-shaped appearance.